Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
DBT will be very important to your treatment. It is a carefully designed skills group that could help you with lots of different difficulties that you might have and it is also a place where you can learn to get better at the skills you already have. The therapy uses techniques that help young people change problematic thoughts, emotions and behaviours in order to tolerate distress and emotional pain when it is not possible to change what caused the difficulties. Our non-judgemental, calm and supportive approach will help you learn how to recognise and deal with negative thoughts, recognise where you might be judging yourself too harshly and to be more accepting of yourself.
There are four different modules that you will go through:
Managing emotions
Getting on with others
Coping in the moment
The DBT group runs once weekly on a Tuesday afternoon as part of the pupils’ education timetable.
It forms the a part of our PSE curriculum and is co-facilitated by teaching and psychology staff.
The DBT skills group will not be like your individual sessions with your psychologist or members of the your team. In the group, no-one is expected to talk in specific detail about their personal struggles. However, during the group you will have the opportunity to talk about and begin to understand the different themes that might be hard to manage right now. When you are practicing the skills outside of the group you'll be asked to complete your session practice sheets, you can write as much details as you want. These will be your property and will be the materials that you can go back to when you need them.

"This vital work on emotional wellbeing, the outstanding outcomes for pupils and the close working and trust between health and education professionals are sector leading. " - Estyn
Click on this link to take a look at this informative booklet from the mental health charity Mind, called 'Making sense of dialectical behaviour therapy.'
This booklet is for anyone who is considering dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and would like to learn more about it. It explains what DBT is and who might benefit from it.